We don't directly accept donations, but what doesn't sell in the store gets donated to places around the world. See the map below, also found on the store wall.
We are thrilled to have donated many loads of children's items to the following organizations:
- Operation Care
- Kinship Center
- United Way
- Genesis House
- Dorothy's Kitchen
- Santa Cruz Health Services Agency
- Various Children's Charities in Mexico
- Cambodia Missionary Trip
- Various African Aid Programs
- Cypress Community Church
- Mayflower Church
Tuesday 10:30-5:00
Wednesday 10:30-5:00
Thursday 10:30-5:00
Friday 10:30-5:00
Saturday 10:30-4:00
Closed Sunday and Monday
Chatterbaux Children's Shoppe
157 Fountain Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
phone: 831.647.8701